Have you ever thought about planing a family garden? Learn how to have a successful season. Click here for more information.

Hummingbird Feeders: A Delightful Addition Worth Considering

9 February 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Hummingbirds. They're tiny, vibrant, and have a mesmerizing flight pattern that's hard to ignore. But getting these little creatures to visit your garden isn't mere luck; it's about attracting them with the right feeder.  Offering a Variety of Choices In a hummingbird feeder store, there's something for everyone. Whether it's a classic tube design or an ornate blown-glass model, you're bound to find a feeder that complements your outdoor decor and attracts these fluttering visitors. Read More …

About Me
getting started with family gardening

Have you ever thought about planing a family garden? If you are looking for a fun and productive way to spend time with your kids, gardening is something to think about. I created this blog after a few successful seasons of gardening with my family. This is an activity that we get to do together. I am able to get all three of my kids involved and they love it. Here, I will tell you about the different tasks that kids of varying ages can complete safely while having a lot of fun doing so. Hopefully, what I have included will help your family grow to love gardening as much as mine does.
