Gardening Tips For Those Who Are Living With Impaired Vision

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Gardening Tips For Those Who Are Living With Impaired Vision

29 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you are struggling with impaired vision, then you undoubtedly find it difficult to go about some of your daily tasks. For example, planting and tending a garden can be difficult if you can't see well. However, there are always different ways of coping with these things. Here are a few tips on how you can have a thriving garden despite your limited vision:

Provide Distinct Pathways

With poor vision comes an increased risk of tripping over things. Therefore, you need to create distinct walkways for getting around in the garden. Ideally, you should create direct paths through the garden, and their surfaces should not be super-smooth of slippery to avoid slipping.

Other tips for making the paths safer include:

  • Giving them distinct edges
  • Installing orientation objects, such as wind chimes
  • Marking path beginnings and ends

Make it Orderly

It's easier to work in an orderly garden than a disorganized one. Planting in straight rows, blocks or other definite shapes is one of the best ways of organizing your yard. It's also useful to maintain constant spacing between your plants. There are inexpensive speed tapes for this purpose. That makes it easy to identify weeds and uproot them.

Mind the Tools You Use

Your gardening tools should have brightly colored handles that you can see with ease. For electric tools, opt for the cordless varieties to reduce your chances of tripping. Of course, you should never use any tool you aren't confident of handling safely. Lastly, you should always ensure that all tools are accounted for and safely stored at the end of each gardening session. You don't want to trip over a forgotten rake the next time you are in the garden.

Make Sure You Identify the Weeds

Weeding is on of the most challenging things for the visually impaired because of the difficulty in identifying the unwanted plants. Planting your desirables in straight lines or definite shapes is a good way to start, but it's not enough. Further tips for weedi identification include:

  • Recognizing your plants by their smells, textures, and sizes; this makes it easy to eliminate anything that doesn't fit.
  • Learn to recognize common weeds via the same criteria as above
  • Preventing weeds by mulching

A professional landscape designer may help you to design a garden that will not be difficult to tender for afterward. Ensure you explain what you need to help the designer meet your needs. You may also ask for an expert recommendation on the tools if you need it. 

About Me
getting started with family gardening

Have you ever thought about planing a family garden? If you are looking for a fun and productive way to spend time with your kids, gardening is something to think about. I created this blog after a few successful seasons of gardening with my family. This is an activity that we get to do together. I am able to get all three of my kids involved and they love it. Here, I will tell you about the different tasks that kids of varying ages can complete safely while having a lot of fun doing so. Hopefully, what I have included will help your family grow to love gardening as much as mine does.
