Create A Decorative Border That Contains "Glowing" Wood Chips, Flowers, And Shrubs

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Create A Decorative Border That Contains "Glowing" Wood Chips, Flowers, And Shrubs

23 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Create a decorative border next to a walkway on your property that contains your favorite types of flowers and shrubs by completing the steps below. Once you have finished, apply luminescent paint to basic wood chips and arrange them around the plants so that your new border will stand out at nighttime.


  • measuring tape
  • wooden stakes
  • garden tiller
  • rake
  • hand shovel
  • flowers and shrubs
  • soil
  • water hose
  • plastic sheeting
  • wood chips (a few bags)
  • luminescent spray paint
  • wheelbarrow
  • large shovel

Mark And Clear The Ground

Decide how wide you would like the border to be. Mark equal sections on each side of the walkway with wooden stakes. Use a measuring tape to help you keep the areas lined up evenly. Remove debris from the marked sections. If grass is growing where the border will be placed, remove it with a garden tiller. Push the tiller in straight lines to loosen the soil that is surrounding the grass blades. When finished, rake up the grass blades and dispose of them.

Plant Flowers And Shrubs And Paint Wood Chips

Dig holes throughout each side of the border that are deep enough to hold each plant's root system. Place a flower or shrub in each hole and cover up their roots with soil. Pack the soil down firmly with the back of a shovel. Water the base of each plant until the soil is damp.

Lay a piece of plastic sheeting on the ground, away from the border. Arrange a few bags of wood chips on the sheeting. Apply a coat of luminous spray paint to the chips. Wait for the paint to dry and add a second coat if more coverage is needed. Flip over the wood chips and add a coat or two of paint to them in the same manner. The paint will absorb the photon's that the sun emits during the day. Once darkness falls, the paint will emit the photons, resulting in a glowing appearance.

Place The Wood Chips In The Border

Load the dry wood chips in a wheelbarrow. Push the wheelbarrow next to the edge of one side of the border. Fill a large shovel with chips and lower the tool so that they fall onto the border. Once one side of the border is full of chips, rake the pieces until they are evenly distributed. Add a layer of wood chips to the other side of the border by completing the same steps. Your new border can be enjoyed each day and night. Make sure that the newly planted flowers and shrubs receive water a few times each week so that they continue to thrive. 

For more information, contact The Bushel Stop or a similar company.

About Me
getting started with family gardening

Have you ever thought about planing a family garden? If you are looking for a fun and productive way to spend time with your kids, gardening is something to think about. I created this blog after a few successful seasons of gardening with my family. This is an activity that we get to do together. I am able to get all three of my kids involved and they love it. Here, I will tell you about the different tasks that kids of varying ages can complete safely while having a lot of fun doing so. Hopefully, what I have included will help your family grow to love gardening as much as mine does.
